Happy Thanksgiving, America! Need some noise for after-the-food festivities to infuse your night-music soul? Gliss, a Danish/American three-piece, is happy to provide for you. Their recently released track, “Hunting,” is a multi-sensory experience; close your eyes as you listen and see the flashing neon lights. Gliss – “Hunting” [MP3] Gliss’ new album, Langsom Dans, is… Continue reading [MP3] Gliss: “Hunting”
Author: Lee
Emil Lager
What happened to plain old acoustic guitar singer/songwriterin’ on music blogs? We’re always looking for the next “big” thing, but sometimes the best answer sits right in our backyard. It’s music that I can turn on any time of the day and smile to. London’s Emil Lager provides just that. Emil Lager on Facebook |… Continue reading Emil Lager
New music from Coed Pageant
I’ve already posted about Coed Pageant with Volume 1 — Winter Blitz — of their Seasons EPs, but feel compelled to give them a little extra space on this here modest blog, as they’ve significantly matured since that release of their final Seasons installment, Volume 4: The Fallout. It’s still raw and could use some tuning… Continue reading New music from Coed Pageant
[MP3] Qurious: “Submarine”
I am in my hometown of Boston in advance of Thanksgiving, and this “turns-dark-at-4:45 pm” thing is a major buzz kill. But I think I found an appropriate song to play over those few minutes that the sunlight fades to black. Qurious is Mike Netland and Catherine Quesenberry out of Atlanta. They released their newest… Continue reading [MP3] Qurious: “Submarine”
Bad Breaks
We’re back! Thanks for sticking with us through this insanely hectic month. We’re slowly but surely rounding back into form. Bad Breaks is the project of San Antonio drummer, Chuck Kerr, who arranges all songs on piano then approaches his band with the material and makes it roll. “Won’t Come Home,” off Bad Breaks’ s/t… Continue reading Bad Breaks
Hannah Winkler
I was recently talking to my Canadian friends, The Wooden Sky, about the excitement of their NYC show last night at Rockwood Music Hall (after they sold out our Knox Road show at Pianos back in May!), and much to my chagrin, realized I wouldn’t be around. They have an incredibly tight and rambunctious live… Continue reading Hannah Winkler
Bryan Laurier & The Lost Acres
I hope I’ve just missed people talking about Bryan Laurier & The Lost Acres, because I’m not quite sure why the group doesn’t have more fanfare. They come across in an unassuming manner both in song and in words, which draws me to the simple elegance of the folk-laden music. Let it be a de-stresser… Continue reading Bryan Laurier & The Lost Acres
The 1975 releases new song, “You”
While I attempt to work through the consequences of this storm (I am perfectly fine and have power, not to fear!), I don’t have much mental capacity to say anything other than “listen!”. But the song below, which came out yesterday, is helping me become a little less stir-crazy. The 1975’s new EP, Sex, is… Continue reading The 1975 releases new song, “You”
Skittish releases The Five Stages EP
I like writing. Rarely do I think posts are better presented with what I’m given from the artist. Except with Skittish. I’ll make it quick: Band, Skittish, about to be signed by Yep Roc. Love triangle, suicide attempt, label scared off, members disperse leaving me alone to make “The Five Stages EP.” The new Skittish… Continue reading Skittish releases The Five Stages EP
Guy Fox
When the subject of the email addressed to me read “Innovative Indie-Afro-Yacht-Rock Band,” I almost immediately trashed it. But then I thought about how sassy and jerky I’ve been on email lately and decided to give the San Fransisco crew a spin. I’m getting too jaded; I gotta try to get back into things a… Continue reading Guy Fox