Radical Face News: Patients Project

Radical Face has come up with a fascinating project, titled “Patients”, in which Ben Cooper (Radical Face himself, and one half of Electric President) will release 10 random songs of his on an album and then trade the album to people for anything. And by anything, I mean anything at all. He’ll take a book,… Continue reading Radical Face News: Patients Project

Unkle (feat. Thom Yorke): Music Video

Yeah, this video’s been out for a while and several of you may have seen it, but I continue to be amazed. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqkawrslzJA] Edit: Video cannot be embedded. But I encourage you all to double click the video itself and you will be redirected to watch it on YouTube. MP3: Unkle (feat. Thom Yorke) –… Continue reading Unkle (feat. Thom Yorke): Music Video

Super Mash Bros.

Have you noticed we sometimes have themes here at Knox Road (see “Alliteration Day”)? Well this time it is merely coincidence that I am posting some mash-ups right after Jamie posted a mash-up. Also, these ones are actually good. Super Mash Bros. are Dick Fink and Nicholas Fenmore, and are the self-proclaimed cousin of Girl… Continue reading Super Mash Bros.

Conor Oberst Live Concert Video

We were courteously informed by our friends over at Amoeba Music that Conor Oberst (of Bright Eyes fame) and the Mystic Valley Band played live at Amoeba Records in Hollywood this past August. Fans have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the video online, and now it is finally up! For those of you who… Continue reading Conor Oberst Live Concert Video

Erin McCarley – Love, Save the Empty

Yep, another post of the female singer/songwriter variety. What can I say, I’m a sucker for them. Erin McCarley‘s debut album, Love, Save the Empty, hits stores January 6 (iTunes December 30) and I couldn’t be more excited. From Nashville, by way of San Diego, McCarley is making a name for herself with her breathtaking… Continue reading Erin McCarley – Love, Save the Empty

New Song From Coconut Records!

Our favorite actor/musician (and former Phantom Planet/one-time Kings of Convenience drummer) Jason Schwartzman‘s new Coconut Records album Davy is coming out January 13, and he has decided to pre-release one of the songs, “Microphone”. You can download it for free on Amie Street – for every download they donate 1 dollar to the Mr. Holland’s… Continue reading New Song From Coconut Records!

Concerts Tonight!

Anyone ready for some last second huff ‘n puff scrounging for tickets? Aimee Mann‘s 3rd Annual Christmas Show at Birchmere in Alexandria, VA. MP3: Aimee Mann – “Thirty One Today” Ra Ra Riot at Ottobar in Baltimore. MP3: Ra Ra Riot – “Suspended in Gaffa” Colbie Caillat at the 9:30 Club (really?) in D.C.  MP3:… Continue reading Concerts Tonight!


Sorry for my lack of posting these past couple days. Here are some songs to hold you over as the the nights get colder. Don’t let Seasonal Affective Disorder take over – Winter can be very comforting. Turin Brakes – “Dark On Fire” Wintersleep – “Weighty Ghost” Ra Ra Riot – “Winter ’05” Meredith Bragg… Continue reading Wintertime

Newsflash: Arcade Fire Documentary

Via The National Post’s “The Ampersand”: “Canadian indie rock band Arcade Fire stars in a documentary to be released on Mon. Dec. 15. The documentary, called, Miroir Noir, chronicles the band’s recording of Neon Bible and their tour to promote the album in 2007. The 70-minute documentary was directed by Vincent Morisset, a friend of… Continue reading Newsflash: Arcade Fire Documentary