Cold War Kids playing the Mercury Lounge January 28

I pretty much summed it up in the title, no? Cold War Kids (those hip dudes) are in town so you best be checking them out. Um, that’s all. …Except for these songs!! (Surprised you there didn’t I?) Cold War Kids – Against Privacy Cold War Kids – Mexican Dogs –> Both songs were recently… Continue reading Cold War Kids playing the Mercury Lounge January 28

Winston Audio – The Red Rhythm (debut LP)

Winston Audio, a band out of Atlanta, Georgia, is releasing their first LP, The Red Rhythm, February 10. They’re comprised of Daniel DeWitt, Dan Gleason, Zach Brown, and Michael Adkins. We recently received an email from them  – not knowing much about the band, except that they’re friends with Manchester Orchestra (also from Atlanta), a… Continue reading Winston Audio – The Red Rhythm (debut LP)

In Case You Missed It: Week in Review

Oh no, don’t cry! It’s okay if you missed what happened this week at Knox Road! I promise! I mean, honestly, even Jamie was on vacation! Here, delicately wrapped, is the week in review. Aw, love the smile. Monday Jamie’s a photography geek and wishes he could have made Friendly Fires’ “Skeleton Boy” video Syme… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review

Julian Velard covers Katy Perry’s “Hot N Cold”

YES! New Yorker Julian Velard is finally making a name for himself, and rightfully so. I’ve been following him for several years now, as he is a friend of a friend (thanks Moshe). It’s exciting that people are considering him to be a breakout artist for 2009, even though he’s been making music for quite… Continue reading Julian Velard covers Katy Perry’s “Hot N Cold”

Cadence Weapon’s “Separation Anxiety”: Name Your Price For The Mixtape

Exciting press release in our inbox from Upper Class Recordings: “The always-grinding Cadence Weapon is back and he continues to firmly establish his legacy as a pioneer in a passionate crusade to push the rap and electronic music envelope. Separation Anxiety is a new collection of exclusive tracks, remixes, and collaborations available only at… Continue reading Cadence Weapon’s “Separation Anxiety”: Name Your Price For The Mixtape

I keep listening to: The Middle East – “Blood”

The past week I’ve been listening to the song “Blood”, from Australia’s The Middle East, over and over. And over. The band has been compared to Arcade Fire, treading forbidden territory, yet I am of the opinion that this is indeed an apt description, at least for the second half of “Blood”, which yields a… Continue reading I keep listening to: The Middle East – “Blood”

New Sufjan Stevens: “You Are The Blood” mp3

This post needs no introduction. (Actually, did that count?) Sufjan Stevens – “You Are The Blood” (link removed). You can stream it from the Dark Was The Night website, however, featured below. Anyway, please, please, please support the worthy cause of 4AD (Benefit for AIDS), the reason why this song, along with several others, are… Continue reading New Sufjan Stevens: “You Are The Blood” mp3

Lost Season 5 Music Video: The Fray – “You Found Me”

Not exactly a video I’d expect from Lost considering they’ve used popular music like once on the show (Damien Rice’s Cannonball in the first season), but nevertheless this should get you excited whether you’re watching the premiere RIGHT NOW or are going to watch soon.  I don’t feel like providing the mp3 because you can… Continue reading Lost Season 5 Music Video: The Fray – “You Found Me”

Exit Clov Updates and New Song!

Exit Clov will be releasing a new/old album (new album, songs recorded back in 2007) anytime between now and spring (whenever that is) and has a new, free mp3 up for download on their website (the mp3 is featured here as well)! They’re also planning an April tour of the East Coast and the Midwest.… Continue reading Exit Clov Updates and New Song!


Ben Sollee – “A Change Is Gonna Come” (Sam Cooke cover) Cassettes Won’t Listen – “Change” (Blind Melon cover) The Lovely Sparrows – “Chemicals Change” Spoon – “Change My Life”