Preview Animal Collective’s remix of Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ “Zero”

Because N.A.S.A. and MSTRKRFT remixes weren’t enough, Animal Collective has jumped in the game to remix Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ “Zero” from their latest It’s Blitz. The full recording isn’t out yet, but you can hear 60 seconds of it at Boomkat. I don’t usually get excited about remixes, but this one sounds good. [via Gorilla… Continue reading Preview Animal Collective’s remix of Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ “Zero”

Yacht’s new album cover is bad for your head

Why do these cover art artists hate us so? First we had the acid test of Animal Collective’s Merriweather Post Pavilion, then the WTF moment of 2009 with Dinosaur Jr.’s Farm, and now we have Yacht’s See Mystery Lights. Although it might seem harmless now, just wait until you see the holographic foil they’re going… Continue reading Yacht’s new album cover is bad for your head

The Thermals are a little less angry, a little more depressing…

The Thermals have been known for their angsty social and political commentary. But on their new album, Now We Can See, they traded in their anger for frustrated depression. Because they refuse to be happy. Ever. Even a look at the new album cover tells a lot. A swan drifting in the moonlight is so… Continue reading The Thermals are a little less angry, a little more depressing…

Hands and Knees

Massachusetts’ Hands and Knees are your favorite band’s early years. You know, those days when they were kinda rough and didn’t bow to pop sensibilities and record labels and “money?” Because, let’s be real, who wants any of that action…? Me. But what’s great about Hands and Knees is they take all the cute rough… Continue reading Hands and Knees

Franz Ferdinand covers “Womanizer” [MP3]

Oh, finally. I’ve been waiting for this since forever. Franz Ferdinand went on BBC Radio and played Britney Spears’ “Womanizer” because “It’s been the best song out in the last few months,” they said. Few months? Let’s try again. Now, they could have been more topical and covered, say Eminem’s “We Made You,” but that… Continue reading Franz Ferdinand covers “Womanizer” [MP3]

Love Is All covers Lykke Li’s mom’s punk band

Cutest band in the world Love Is All just recorded a bunch of covers of Swedish bands, including a cover of 80’s all-girl punk band Tant Strul (whose lineup included Lykke Li’s mom). This is cool. You can stream the rest of covers at Love Is All’s Myspace.  Love Is All – “Pappas Tant (Tant… Continue reading Love Is All covers Lykke Li’s mom’s punk band

Golden Bear is so much better than “power-pop”

Austin’s Golden Bear immediately has a “pop” label thrown on them. The e-mail I received from their promotion people used words like “power-pop,” “anthemic pop,” “infectious” and “fist-pumping.” I guess they really know how to appeal to listeners?? These words really sell the band short. Golden Bear’s sound is much deeper than pop. Their song… Continue reading Golden Bear is so much better than “power-pop”

New Silversun Pickups video: “Panic Switch”

Silversun Pickups are getting all MTV lately. So much so, in fact, that they debuted the video for their newest single, “Panic Switch,” on MTVU. Because those college kids high school kids love bands not on the regular MTV, so they’ll love whatever has “U” attached! That said, the video is pretty average/boring. “Then why… Continue reading New Silversun Pickups video: “Panic Switch”