Fujiya & Miyagi leave the listener waiting for something new on Ventriloquizzing

Hoping for a less monotonous record compared to 2008’s Lightbulbs from a group who dazzle a live audience, Ventriloquizzing is a typically synth-heavy offering with songs that, just when one thinks they will go to “that place” and crescendo–DO SOMETHING–go nowhere. Sigh. Laden with whispery vocals throughout, it’s difficult to distinguish one track from the… Continue reading Fujiya & Miyagi leave the listener waiting for something new on Ventriloquizzing

[Abby’s Road] Promise me you’ll never forget me…

… because if I thought you would I’d never leave. -A.A. Milne Over the last year I’ve been lucky to have found an outlet for my ramblings. Being able to harness my twisted, musical stream-of-consciousness thoughts into a cohesive, short-ish blurb in the blogosphere is wonderful and meditative, despite how many (or few) are reading.… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Promise me you’ll never forget me…

[Abby’s Road] Thinking hard about the weather

Autumn has always been my favorite season. Because of this, my brain has an inordinately unbalanced pocket of memories, seasonally speaking. Most of my fondest happen to have occurred in and around the crisp, fall days of my past. There is nothing like being in Western Pennsylvania roundabout this time. Despite the dying flora, it… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Thinking hard about the weather

[Abby’s Road] How many lists could a list-maker list…?

I am the queen of lists. I am always making them – have been since I was a little girl. I get it honestly as my father was always jotting something down on a small, white pad of paper or penciling facts and figures on the wall of his woodshop. The inside of my purses… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] How many lists could a list-maker list…?

Radical Face’s new video for “Doorways”

Hear ye! Hear Ye! Radical Face (Ben Cooper) has released the video for “Doorways” from the recently released Touch the Sky EP. Conjuring up images of Peter Pan and, to get a bit personal (as always), my sister and I playing in the wooded area across the street from my childhood home, Cooper and collaborator… Continue reading Radical Face’s new video for “Doorways”

Wild Nothing impresses in DC

I first heard Jack Tatum (aka. Wild Nothing) while listening to FM4 radio in Germany a few months back. “Summer Holiday” rang out through the car speakers and ended without the DJ identifying the band before starting another song by another artist. I assumed it HAD to be some obscure, Sarah Records band from back… Continue reading Wild Nothing impresses in DC

[Abby’s Road] Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Con

It’s true. I go to shows like it’s my job and buy more music than most women in their late-thirties. Though not a gambler, I’d be willing to put money on it. I’ve been told more than once by the grad students in my department that they’re surprised at my age. My favorite exclamation to… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Con