[Abby’s Road] California Dreaming

So. It’s been a while. Holidaymaking. Flying. Travel. Hurricanes. Not necessarily a time when one wants to be writing anything but a handful of postcards. Moreover, I was (also) cursed with a five-alarm case of writer’s block. Everything swimming around in my noodle was non-music related (far from it). I needed music’s medicinal value, yes,… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] California Dreaming

[Abby’s Road] This is your brain on music.

Firstly, I hope all is rosy and happy in Autumnal music land. Truly is the best time of the year for music nerds like me. I find myself talking more about music; even with those I don’t have a whole lot in common with (like my 10 year old nephew). It’s like the cool air… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] This is your brain on music.

[Abby’s Road] Right about now…

The time has come my friends. The last of summer’s sweaty days…back to school. The air is cooling down, the musty fragrance of decaying leaves is on the breeze: it’s autumn tour time. The most wonderful time of the year. Lalala. It happens every early August. I ramble to a friend “wow, it’s been so… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Right about now…

[Abby’s Road] Love Songs on the Radio

I don’t have a song; the single song I associate my #1 relationship with or one that quintessentially harnesses my youth in 3 minutes or less for that matter. I was having coffee with a friend the other day and the conversation somehow wound around to her and her husband’s “Song.” Eh?? What’s that? No,… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Love Songs on the Radio

Think I’ll go for a walk outside now

I adore my life here in Germany. No two ways about it. That said, while my mom has been visiting recently (hi mom!), I’m of course reminded of those I left behind across the sea. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about those connections and relationships. Not lovey dovey, husbandy-wifey-let’s make babies relations. While such… Continue reading Think I’ll go for a walk outside now

[Abby’s Road] Music for Girls

Summer. Though a friend of mine recently wrote a novella on Facebook about how it doesn’t exist in Germany, it seems to be warming up more and more here as June rolls by. Moreover, the sun doesn’t set until nearly 10, extending my waking hours far past midnight, usually. We’re even going swimming this weekend.… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Music for Girls

[Abby’s Road] Riding the Delta Wave

Earworms. We all get them. Usually it’s a bad track someone unknowingly burrows into our head, unbeknownst to us. Then, as innocently as it happens, an hour after the crime is committed we find ourselves humming a ridiculous song by Lionel Richie. More joyous, however, are the rare instances when we hear a new song… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Riding the Delta Wave

[Abby’s Road] The Happiest Melancholia

We, as music lovers and collectors, are blessed and cursed I think. Here’s the scoop: we have at our fingertips a seemingly endless supply of emotional stimulants and downers. If elated one can crank up a particularly smasheverythinganddance record to conjure up even more jubilation; if supremely sad, the leveling quiet of, say, post rock… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] The Happiest Melancholia