Today in bizarre supergroups: Apparatjik


Whenever someone asks me to name my dream supergroup, I immediately say something to the effect of “the dude from Mew, that one guy from Coldplay, and another one from the ’80’s group A-ha.” And then we all laugh sarcastically. And then we pee on walls and stuff, because we’re men, dammit.

But anyway, jokesupergroupsaywhat?

Jonas Bjerre, the lead singer in the band has just announced the debut release of his side project Apparatjik – a collaboration between Jonas, Guy Berryman from Coldplay and Magne Furuholmen from A-ha. They release their debut single ‘Electric Eye’ via their website ( on Monday 30th November. They only other music heard so far from the project is a track ‘Ferreting’ that was featured on the soundtrack for Bruce Parry’s BBC show ‘Amazon’ earlier this year.

So mark your calendars, everyone. The revolution begins in T-minus two days.


  1. Jawn: another person who thinks a-ha are an ’80s group.
    Musicknowledge not quite all too big, right ?

  2. Claudia,

    Considering the group got its start in the ’80’s, released three albums in that decade, and had its most popular single (by far) in that decade, I thought it was fair to consider a-ha an ’80’s group. In fact, besides their four albums this decade, they were most active during the 80’s. Hence, “’80’s group.”

    And then again, considering their first proper full-length came out halfway through the ’80’s, the three albums in those five years make a higher turnover rate than the four albums this decade.

    In short, I’m pretty sure my comment was justified. Thanks for the half-baked satirizing of my post, though! Much appreciated.


  3. I was actually curious about this. Call me an old geezer, but I honestly lost patience and interest while attempting to navigate the website. Wayyy too much going on.


  4. You forgot about their 2 albums in the 90’s.
    They have relaesed 9 albums in total, 6 of which after the ’80s.
    Simple math.

  5. how many albums a band releases in a certain period of time does not make them a band of “that time”. When they are at their highest success does.
    Simple logic.

  6. Jonas Bjerre sings better in Apparatjik’s album than another mew’s albums. He brought us to another side of him, wildness and sci-fi territory . He’s trully an artist!

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