I’ve been waiting to unleash this one on you guys, and today seemed appropriate. I HEART‘s pin-up girl calendar was officially made available online today, and if you aren’t totally lacking any sort of short-term memory, you’ll remember that Holly Conlan was involved with the singer/songwriter compilation for I HEART and the Bombshell Alliance. Support I HEART, Conlan and crew as they continue to provide us with excellent music and worthy causes.
Conlan, known for her bouncy and tender jingles such as “Ok,” gives a little more rock and a little less roll on “Uh Oh”. The tune has more backing than usual for Conlan, with a powerful, consistent electric guitar riff and edgier piano. Of course, she succeeds in this pursuit just as she does with her poppier piano material, further establishing herself as one of the preeminent modern day singer/songwriters.
Holly Conlan – “Uh Oh” [MP3]