Tiny Masters of Today @ Siren


I really hate doing this to such young artists. And as much as I try to avoid excuses when reviewing music, it’s just way too difficult to throw out the age factor with Brooklyn’s Tiny Masters of Today. Because it was SO unavoidable at Siren. For those who are unaware, Tiny Masters of Today are, in actuality, tiny. Ivan is a mere 15 and his sister Ada is 13. And that’s your whole band right there – the two of them, making punk rock and taking the world David Bowie by storm.

While they may talk like punk rockers, they certainly don’t walk like punk rockers. There’s something to be said about watching music that has received legitimate press and thinking you accidentally walked in on the Napoleon Dynamite sequel. Or maybe prequel. Because they’re like, younger.

The siblings’ stage presence was… GOSH they’re so YOUNG. I don’t think I ever saw Ivan’s face for more than 10 seconds. His hair was draped over it the entire time. But not in the Monotonix way. More so in the way that kid in the corner stares creepily at everyone’s feet. Yeah, kinda like that. Ada was cute… I guess. She earnestly sang um, expressed vocals, into the mic. I’m not really against their recorded music either – some of it sounds really good. Especially considering age and all. (Have I mentioned their age yet? No?) They just have a lot of growing up to do on stage. I’m willing to give them a couple years to develop and then see what they’ve got.

More photos after the jump.




[All photos by James B. Hale/Knox Road from Siren Music Festival]