I figured I’d talk about I’m From Barcelona because they have a song called “Andy,” and Andy Roddick somehow just forced his way into the Wimbeldon final. Oh, and the music’s good. I’m tangential like that.
The band is a 20+ member hivemind from (surprise) Sweden in the vein of The Polyphonic Spree. One notable thing about the band is its progression: earlier recordings are very cutesy and twee (“I have built a treehouse / Nobody can see us / Because it’s a you-and-me house”), but the newer stuff is much more refined. On the band’s latest, Who Killed Harry Houdini?, the music is less an explosion of instruments and more of solidly constructed pop songs with a million different possibilities at every turn.
I could talk more, but I have to go celebrate Roddick’s win by barbecuing hamburgers, playing frisbee with my golden retreiver, and shooting off fireworks at dusk. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I’m From Barcelona – “Paper Planes” [MP3] (from Who Killed Harry Houdini?)
I’m From Barcelona – “Andy” [MP3] (from Who Killed Harry Houdini?)
I’m From Barcelona – “Treehouse” [MP3] (from Let me Introduce my Friends)
my name is sophie and i study film- and tv production at a filmschool in potsdam-babelsberg.
at the moment i do the production of a film called “katharsis” directed and written by jana schwabe. it is a student projekt and therefore a non commercial filmproduction.
the movie will be about 15 min long.
our question is know:
we really really like the song by Treehouse “I’m From Barcelona” !! we would like to use a few seconds (or more) of the song in our film!
i have never dealed with songrights before. so i thought i just contact you directly and ask you for the right to use the song.
oh man, my english , aaahh. i hope you understood the request : )
please let me know if there is any chance of using the song for our movie!!!
i really appreciate thanks a lot and have a nice weekend!!!
Sophie, you would need to contact I’m From Barcelona (really, their record label, which is EMI – a major label) for the rights to use their song in your film.
You can check their website for their contact information.
Good Luck with the film!