Low may or may not get low, depending on the circumstances


Hell, there’s a solid chance you’ve heard of Low. The band’s existed for sixteen years and have released eight full length albums, meaning Low has been around since even before MySpace (like, omgz, right?).

I feel compelled to write about them, though, after stumbling across this incredible video, a performance of “Murderer” for a radio show. That ever present strummed electric, the sparsely composed drums, the gorgeous male/female harmonies… the beauty of some of Low’s songs ranges from eyebrow-raising to completely arresting.

They’re defined as “slowcore,” I suppose, which means just south of nothing to me. The music isn’t particularly rollicking or speedy, but that was never the band’s aim.

So slow down. Listen to some music.

Low – “Murderer” [MP3] (from Drums and Guns)

Low – “Sunflower” [MP3] (from Things we Lost in the Fire)

Low – “Dinosaur Act” [MP3] (from Things we Lost in the Fire)

Low on MySpace