[KR Exclusive MP3] New demo from The Scarlet Ending!

The Scarlet Ending

Well, aren’t we just the luckiest people ever? Those Scarlet Ending fiends, Kaleena and Kayleigh Goldsworthy (and crew), are up to their old tricks again. Let’s take you back in time to the middle of March to put this in context a bit…

Ahhhhh! As promised, Kaleena Goldsworthy of The Scarlet Ending has sent Knox Road two pre-produced JUST recorded new demos from their up-coming album to be released later this year (probably around July).

And in that sharing spirit arises another new track (specifically coinciding with the launch of their new website!), this time sent to us by Kayleigh (they really do share the love), all raw and pre-produced and stuff. Hopefully, once the tracks are finished products, you’ll have heard how an album progresses from its original bare-art stages to something of grandiose instrumentation and production (which The Scarlet Ending perfect) – you’ll perhaps even see these songs evolve into something quite different when you hear them in September – when the album is likely due out. So much goes into the thought process between pre-production and post-production that even pieces of the songwriting could change.

That being said, the demo I present to you is called “Exactly What You Want”, featuring both sisters on vocals – Kayleigh in the verses and Kaleena during the choruses and synchronized harmony (which is my favorite part of the song at 2:24). Kayleigh actually told me she was listening to Margot & The Nuclear So and So’s while writing this track and was looking to capture a piece of their sound for that part, yet completely failed… in the most excellent of ways! Because that harmony is brilliantly written either way. It transclucently shows off the naked talent of their vocals with a sweet rhythm. You may notice a bit more angst in this song than normal from the girls – they wrote it with the hope of really amping up the audience for their live shows (like for the brief male “excited”/over-the-top vocals, which are not really up Knox Road’s typical alley, and may or may not be there come album time). One thing in particular about the Goldsworthy sisters is that they have the unique talent of being able to voice expression while also singing – you feel how they feel. Which, of course, is incredibly tricky for any artist to pull off.

The Scarlet Ending – “Exactly What You Want (demo)” [MP3] (June 2009 pre-production)

And yet again, even with this raw track, The Scarlet Ending boast their propensity for crafting genre-breaking and utterly captivating songs. I just can’t wait to hear these songs in full with the band’s typical lush instrumentation, including those dense keys and oh so heart-breaking strings.