This is really cool. It’s basically just a USB memory stick packaged in what looks like an old school mixtape. The idea is, you make a folder of MP3s (64 MB max) and put them on the memory stick and give it to somebody as a mixtape. Cool, no?
As somebody who used to spend hours and hours making actual mixtapes, this is like almost a dream come true (the actual dream being, of course, the return of the cassette mixtape). This is the next hip thing coming to an Urban Outfitters near you. [Thanks to my mom for the tip. Seriously, she’s cool]
now all i’ve got to do is find an urban outfitters. Also do you know if the packaging comes blank? (for song : band info)
Ok, well first I don’t know if they will ever sell it at Urban, but they totally should. And yeah, the packaging comes blank, just like a real blank cassette!
Note: Moms are now hip.
Everybody should either
A) Acquire a Mom (usually a package deal)
B) Become a Mom (you kids know how).