Knox Road is five years old today

kr1st post

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In 2008, Breaking Bad began its first season. 35% of Twitter users had 10 or fewer followers. The iPhone was one year old. Knox Road was created (see our first post on November 17, 2008, above).

This post isn’t so much about the history of Knox Road as it is about our gratitude to our readers and team of writers (though I could go on and on about the history – it’s crazy how much the blogging game has changed over the years). Without you, Knox Road is just two dudes talking about music and pop culture nonsense. With you, Knox Road is two dudes talking about music and pop culture nonsense to people, with many other excellent non-nonsense pieces all around.  If I ever thought Knox Road would last 5 years, I probably would not have created it. Kidding. I think.

But, really, this blog has given new meaning to our lives both within and outside of music, and we are forever grateful to everyone who helped make it happen. We know we don’t post as often as we did in our heyday, but we hope we’re still providing you with relevant columns and new music that you may never hear outside of the site.

As our “About” section explains, it’s pretty simple, really.


  1. Keep up the good work guys. I’ve only been a follower of this blog for one of those five years but I’d still count Knox Road as one of my favorite music blogs. So well done!

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