Tragic events have afflicted my hometown this past week, one hitting closer to me personally, but both just as heartbreaking.
It’s the small things in life that we don’t pay any attention to until it’s too late, and often not even then, that help us become whole. We all work. We all look for a “good job.” We all strive for, and fail at, and challenge ourselves with relationships. This much is known. What is unknown are the individual nuances that make every person tick; keep us in our place; move us to act. This is the basis upon which we live our lives; the mortar that holds the bricks together. When even the smallest part of that mortar weakens, we lose a tiny yet profound piece of our foundation. And it eats at us, and works at us, and begins to take a toll on our very being. The bricks we hold dear – love, family, friends – don’t much matter anymore. They crumble. They fall at our feet and we don’t even know how they got there.
Make that mortar strong and powerful for others, but be sure to build your own at the same time. We are in this together, but be in it for yourself, too.
It’s all about the small things.