I recently dug up a copy of my Network CD from back in 2003. If you don’t know, The Network (aka Network!), was a six piece new-wave band consisting of Green Day and some friends wearing masks and silly costumes. It was like, seriously weird. Each band member had a pseudonym and a background story. They weren’t even good names. Fink, Van Gough, The Snoo, Z, Captain Underpants and Balducci…
The side project only released one album, Money Money 2020, that was actually pretty solid. The “real” Green Day vehemently denied any connection to the band despite it being very obviously them (vocals, music, appearance, Billie Joe’s record label, etc.).
The whole thing was really stupid but the next year Green Day released American Idiot and became so popular with middle aged women, teenage girls and nobody else, and everybody forgot about The Network. But not me Green Day, NOT ME. Listen to The Network, watch them and love/hate them. It’s SO better than whatever album Green Day will make next.
The Network – “Money Money 2020” (MP3)
The Network – “Supermodel Robots” (MP3)