Welcome Back Sailors

Most of the chilled-out space jams we hear in the scene today are from the good ol’ USA (a lot of European and Latin/South American music seems too dancey party or something). But straight out of Italy is Welcome Back Sailors. The duo released their debut EP, I’ll Be There to modest blog reaction earlier last year, but has churned out one more (free) release and a few singles since. “Season,” their most recent song was made for the Unholy Rhythms We Fall Apart compilation.

Their brand of light, pulsing synth behind sweeping textures and dramatic, dream-like vocals puts this somewhere in the realm of the left-behind chillwave genre. Regardless, the sound is all at once ethereal, intricate and head-nodding. We’ve heard the style before, and some might discount the band as another in a line of artists making “chill” music. But the fact is that these guys make some great and interesting tracks.

Welcome Back Sailors – “I’ll Be There” [MP3]

Welcome Back Sailors – “Season” [MP3]

Download gobs of free releases at Welcome Back Sailors’ Bandcamp page.

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