Luftwaffe member drops new solo project made out of Taylor Swift samples

Nothing like some Tay Tay Swift in indie rock.

The Luftwaffe guys came out of nowhere with their debut 7”, Quiet Summer, in October, quickly making the blog rounds. And rightfully so – the EP was superb.

Needless to say, I didn’t think I’d be hearing from them again so soon. But just this weekend one of the Luftwaffe fellas, Toby Altman, sent over a new solo record, Red Stag (for James), under the Camera Phone moniker. The project is made up almost entirely samples from the new Taylor Swift record, which Altman calls “amazing”. The only added sounds are some strewn about midi instruments, but otherwise, it’s all Swift and the creative genius of Altman. It’s spacey and amusing, to say the least.

We’ve already seen what can be done with another radio star’s music (the Justin Bieber ambient opus), now it’s time to turn a new page. Taylor Swift, here we come!

Camera Phone – “Red Stag (for James)” [MP3]

Camera Phone – “Not That Kind of Girl” [MP3]

Pick up the entire EP for free on Camera Phone’s Bandcamp.