[Abby’s Road] Promise me you’ll never forget me…

… because if I thought you would I’d never leave. -A.A. Milne

Over the last year I’ve been lucky to have found an outlet for my ramblings. Being able to harness my twisted, musical stream-of-consciousness thoughts into a cohesive, short-ish blurb in the blogosphere is wonderful and meditative, despite how many (or few) are reading. Recently, however, I’ve found myself super preoccupied with concerns and planning regarding an exciting, yet intense, move overseas. Ergo, there’s been little room for the catalytic daydream to creep into my brain.

I’ve gone round and round about what to write about. I could rehash the “I’m getting older and this sound is retro in 2010 but it was new back in the day” spiel, but you and I both know it would be supremely boring. I’m not prepared to review anything as I am 2 months behind everyone else who gives a damn about the industry. “Why write anything?” you might be saying. Well, call it what you will. Work ethic, perhaps? I signed on to do a bi-weekly rant, I’ve missed an installment and on top of everything else I have going on, I am troubled by it. Amongst the boxes to be shipped thousands of miles, itemized packing lists and pet-on-an-airplane-in-kitty-cargo-for-ten-hours anxiety, I feel compelled to say a few words.

It has been, and will continue to be, a joy writing for Knox Road. If you didn’t know already, as far as age is concerned, I could be the mother of either one of the fine editors of this blog. I thank them for taking the chance and approaching me to write something about what I love so very dearly, what has kept me sane and alive since I was 14 years old: Music and its Wake.

This past Monday I ordered tickets for Junip on 11/23. I thought about it for a moment…then another moment, and I realized that I had purchased what will probably be my last tickets for a show at Black Cat in Washington, DC. For a long, long time, anyway. It is a special place. I’ve been going there for years as my hairstyles changed, my musical tastes evolved and it moved from one location in the District to another. Moreover, it was there in June of 2008 at an M83 show I met the man with whom I am presently stressing and list-making with, and who will be my partner in crime, for better or worse, in Munich. I have to say, it made me a little misty.

Of course, there are many things in the United States I will miss exponentially more than venues: people, places and experiences too intimate and private to mention here. I am thankful for what I had, have and what will remain after my unwieldy roller coaster of changes steadies to an even MPH over the next month or so. That said, I bid you, fair readers, farewell for now as I embark on the journey of a lifetime. I will be around now and then, snarking on about what Lee, Jamie, Jesse and Tom have to say, of course. I WILL be back in full Abby’s Road force after the New Year. See you on the flip side.

Happy weekend.


  1. thank you. we certainly will. josé gonzález was one of the first artists we saw together (M83 notwithstanding) so in my music-centric brain, tomorrow’s show completes a circle of sorts, if you subscribe to such ways of thinking. annnnyway. all well wishes and good luck shout-outs are being happily scooped up and stuffed in my many traveling pockets. -a

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