[MP3] Castledoor: “Flashlight”

Well, there really isn’t much to say here, aside from how great this song is. “Flashlight” comes from LA’s Castledoor, an act I think I heard a couple years back but just recently took the time to seek out (which makes me fairly upset, as they’ve been going at it for five years now). What makes me more upset, however, is that Castledoor announced in February that a couple members (the guitarist and synth player) were leaving the group and that the group as everyone knew it would be changing a bit. However, the plan for Nate and Liska (vocalists and husband and wife duo) is to continue making music with Brando and Joel (this feels like storytime for some reason), the bass player and drum player, respectively, but they may take on a new name.

Regardless, Castledoor released an EP titled Flashlight about a week ago, and we’ve got the title track for you to download below. I wouldn’t give up on this crew for a second; you can hear the incredible potential to appeal to a wide audience in the sound, which is slightly electronic, slightly experimental, and 100 percent awesome.

Castledoor – “Flashlight” [MP3]

Castledoor on MySpace

1 comment

  1. I am right with you.
    Just discovered these guys from the most awesome woman working in music.
    She recommended I check them out and I couldn’t believe no one had ever mentioned them to me before.

    This EP is fantastic from start to finish and it’s sad that it’s kind of a recorded end to a chapter of theirs. But I like your optimism.

    I started with “Shouting At Mountains” as the first notes I heard from them. I was sold on Castledoor forever. Thanks Mary 😉

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