[MP3] Bromheads: “Fan of the Vagrants”

It’s like Saturday is day-where-I-post-things-about-bands-I’ve-previously-posted-about day. Earlier this morning it was sing-speak rockers mewithoutYou, and now it’s UK-based Bromheads, who I first wrote about at the turn of the decade. They’ve just released a new MP3 for your downloading pleasure called “Fan of the Vagrants,” and it’s pretty much what you’d expect: quick, fun and simple rock with an absurdly catchy hook at the center. The song also has that Bromheads tendency to sound like it goes on for a full four minutes, even though the track is barely more than two. It’s not nearly a problem, though, if songs like this are any indication.

Bromheads – “Fan of the Vagrants” [MP3]