Twin Sister showcases talent, patience with Color Your Life EP

Twin Sister always seems to come out of nowhere. The band that brought us the Vampires With Dreaming Kids EP, which included the great tracks “Ginger” and “I Want A House” have come back with a new EP, Color Your Life. It’s twice as long as Vampires and shows the band looking in a little bit of a different direction than before. The band is playing around, and I love watching.

The new EP doesn’t feature any immediate knock outs like the last one did but, as an EP should, it showcases the band’s ability to record a like-minded, cohesive record that displays a lot of talent. While longer tracks “Galaxy Plateau” and the opener “The Other Side Of Your Face” take some getting adjusted to, the album as a whole is immediately impressive and enjoyable. Songs like “Phenomenoms” and “Lady Daydream” would work well as singles, but Color Your Life still works best as one unit. In fact, the band seems to find the idea of a single either unimportant or unnecessary. The sheer patience this EP has shows a confident group that doesn’t cater to expectations or preconceived notions.

Twin Sister is maybe one of the more promising bands to come out of nowhere in a while. Unlike a lot of bands in recent memory that have quickly thrown out mediocre full-lengths, Twin Sister is giving us small samples of their work via EPs, the old school way. With Color Your Life and Vampires With Dreaming Kids in hand, there is only anticipation of hopefully another great EP or two before the band bunkers down and gives us a really amazing full-length. Fingers crossed, Twin Sister!

Twin Sister – “Lady Daydream” [MP3]

Twin Sister – “Phenomenoms” [MP3]

Download/Buy Color Your Life