Nothing like some dreamy pop to start your no longer dreamy day off, am I right? Her Magic Wand, a one-man project out of Paris, France, is equal parts smooth and sugary, with a pinch of a darker undertone. This is some mighty fine electronic pop – reminiscent of Letting Up Despite Great Faults, but slightly rougher around the edges.
Her Magic Wand recently self-released the Catch A Rainbow EP, which you can pick up at Bandcamp. The EP was recorded, unsurprisingly in these bedroom-pop times of ours, at home with a laptop and a few “actual” instruments. The live band includes 4 more members, so the sound is probably filled out nicely. Catch “Mistakes” below; it’s an unassuming gem.
I really, really like “Mistakes”.
Where can I find more sounds from them?
Micheal, you can click on the links in the post to their MySpace and Bandcamp profiles – more music is there.