Super Mash Bros.

super-mash-brosHave you noticed we sometimes have themes here at Knox Road (see “Alliteration Day”)? Well this time it is merely coincidence that I am posting some mash-ups right after Jamie posted a mash-up. Also, these ones are actually good.

Super Mash Bros. are Dick Fink and Nicholas Fenmore, and are the self-proclaimed cousin of Girl Talk. It’s funny they say that, because I couldn’t think of a more apt description of their music. For anyone who loves Girl Talk, Super Mash Bros’. LP, Fuck Bitches. Get Euros. will be right up your alley. The difference is, Super Mash Bros. are slightly more refined and don’t use as many different layers as Girl Talk, instead having a couple songs mashed at the same time during each sequence of the song. For example, on “Broseidon, Lord of the Brocean” they mix Coldplay with J-Kwon’s “Tipsy” and then seamlessly work in Imogen Heap’s ever-popular “Hide and Seek.” Merely seconds later, we get Death Cab For Cutie’s “Title and Registration” with Daft Punk’s “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger”, and finally end with Eminem. The sounds were meant to mesh, and just about everything is recognizable.  With mash-ups becoming the craze these days, Super Mash Bros. should have no problem making a name for themselves.

Super Mash Bros. – “Broseidon, Lord of the Brocean”
(alternate link)

Super Mash Bros. – “Stop That Booty (Here We Come)” (alternate link)

Super Mash Bros. – “I Fucking Bleed Purple and Gold” (alternate link)

*Download the entire LP free here!