12 Days of Christmas Music: Sufjan Stevens

Sufjan XmasThe story goes that every year between 2001 and 2006 (sans 2004) Sufjan Stevens would record an EP of Christmas songs to give out to his family and friends. In 2006 he decided to gather all the EPs together and release them in one giant collection called Songs For Christmas. The set is comprised of five volumes with great titles like “Hark!” and “Ding! Dong!” I’ll try hard to ignore how corny Sufjan can get sometimes…

Names aside, the collection is a great source of soft folky (Sufjan-style) Christmas songs. Since he’s so religious, there are a lot of Christian songs. He does, however, include some great originals like “Hey Guys! It’s Christmas Time!” and “Did I Make You Cry on Christmas? (Well You Deserved It!)” God Sufjan, way to be a brat. His songs can get a little redundant in that “great, more flute/banjo/xylophone songs” kind of way, but he’s a master at it, and the collection is well worth buying (it’s usually around $15 which is a great deal).

You can grab all 41 tracks on iTunes or at Amazon or at a local record store (support ’em this holiday season!). 

Sufjan Stevens – “Hey Guys! It’s Christmas Time!” (MP3)

Sufjan Stevens – “Come On! Let’s Boogey to the Elf Dance!” (MP3)

Sufjan Stevens – “Get Behind Me, Santa!” (MP3)