[Ed. Note: A lot of music comes out in a given year. I’m busy, ok? I don’t have all the time in the world to hear everything released and tell you about it. So I’ve decided to go back and visit all the great music that was, clearly, just off my radar.]
Haven’t you listened to those Brooklyn bands and thought: “GOSH. I wish they would embrace the surfing culture that is more prevalent in places like California and somehow integrate the themes and ideas that influenced said culture into their music”? Of course you have. Well now you’re in luck! (Or, I should really say, as of earlier this year you were in luck). Brooklyn band The Drums have released a choice EP, Summertime!, and it feeds this very urge that you totally have.
Awesome single, “Let’s Go Surfing” made a lot of year-end lists and rightfully so! It’s that perfect catchy indie tune with a simple riff, cute whistling and a catchy chorus about surfing or the ideas behind surfing or something. The song actually kind of came out of nowhere and just might give the band a big enough boost to put together an awesome full-length maybe in the near future or something.
The Drums somehow combine ’50s guitar rock with ’80s downtrodden pop with that classic late ’00s indie rock. I don’t claim to get it! But I do claim to love it. A lot of their material tends toward the more serious, introvert side of things, so it would be great to see them branch out a little more, but you know what? I think they’re in a really great place and I’m just excited to see what they come up with while they’re here.
Summertime is out now on Moshi Moshi.
The Drums – “Let’s Go Surfing” [MP3]
The Drums – “I Felt Stupid” [MP3]
The Drums – “Submarine” [MP3]
We’ve just interviewed Jacob (guitarist) from The Drums if you’re interested in his take on things at the moment:
Lovin’ the blog guys 🙂