[MP3 + Video] Angus & Julia Stone: “And The Boys”

What’s that? New music from Australian sibling sensations Angus & Julia Stone?? With Angus’s new side project, Lady Of The Sunshine, receiving its fair share of press lately, he seems quite willing to let Julia take the reigns on “And The Boys”, the new single from their forthcoming (March 2010) sophomore LP, Down The Way. “And The Boys” is a heavier song musically than previous material, but Julia’s warm voice brightens up my day most all of the time. An undercurrent of simple piano is the driving force, which provides the track with its volume, and supplemental layers of trumpet and electronica contribute to its methodical, slow-building nature. Check out the equally delightful and trippy hippie-esque, postmodern (we just love categorizing!) video below.

Angus & Julia Stone – “And The Boys” [MP3]

[Thanks to our friend Agnes at It All Started With Carbon Monoxide for the heads up!]

[youtube width=”540″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uz4QIuFgJX0[/youtube]


  1. Given the attention headed their way on the back of this EP I think these’ll be this year’s First Aid Kit in terms of EVERYONE suddenly discovering them. They’re good kids & deserve the recognition.

  2. Very much in agreement – I think 2010 will be their year. First Aid Kit haven’t seemed to infiltrate a mass of people though (at least over here in the States). Their Fleet Foxes cover tends to be the only thing people listen to and they get hyped from that then lose it fairly quickly. So hopefully more so with A&J?

    (Feel free to correct me about the popularity of First Aid Kit!)

  3. Always good to see Aussies getting some love.
    Haven’t done much wrong to date.
    Very impressive live too.

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