Hannah Winkler

I was recently talking to my Canadian friends, The Wooden Sky, about the excitement of their NYC show last night at Rockwood Music Hall (after they sold out our Knox Road show at Pianos back in May!), and much to my chagrin, realized I wouldn’t be around. They have an incredibly tight and rambunctious live set and I was supremely disappointed to be missing it.

But I’m not just here to talk about The Wooden Sky. No; I want to share with you Hannah Winkler, the opener for last night’s show, who Rockwood told me would be performing. While I wasn’t able to see her, I did check out her music and am intrigued by her melodic sensibilities. She fits the acoustic female singer/songwriter niche, and when done well, that rarely goes wrong in my book. Winkler’s been keeping me warm in my no-heat office.

Hannah Winkler on Bandcamp