[Abby’s Road] My humble apology

So. SO…

I am kind of at a loss for words this week. You see, I am taking this Integration Course required by good ol’ Deutschland for all auslanders. I am kind of up to my ears in Nominative and Dative cases, sentence structure and all of the amazing stuff that makes writing for KR possible. But in German.

I have something a little more interesting (than what I’m about to yammer on about) simmering between my ears but my attempt to get it down on paper, so to speak, resulted in a lackluster version of what I want to say. I just need a little more time. Hope you’ll wait for it. That said…

My engineer/video game playing/music nerd/best guy ever husband emailed me a short while ago as he was browsing the latest Humble Indie Bundle. In a nutshell, if you aren’t familiar, Humble Bundles are packages of (usually) really cool, independently developed, cross-platform video games. The buyer sets the price (awesome!) and can split the revenue between the developers and/or any other number of pre-set charities. Fantastic, right? Right. And I don’t even play the games. Anyway, he was all emotional over the music he previewed from a game in the newest bundle: Botanicula. To quote him, “it’s a cross between Radical Face and Sigur Ros.”

Bingo. Gorgeous music by a Czech duo called DVA, a band (group?) who, up to this point I never heard of. Am I out of the loop? Per usual, perhaps. At any rate, you can listen to the entirety of the Botanicula soundtrack and purchase it here. At least listen. Despite bits and bobs that kind of sound poached from the likes of Pantha du Prince or, as I said before, Radical Face, it is truly a magical soundtrack, especially for a video game. So there’s your musical tip of the day. Write at you in two weeks.

Happy weekend.

[Abby’s Road is a Knox Road feature published every other Friday.]

1 comment

  1. Hey Abby it’s Erik from Johnstown. I need to commend you on bringing previously unknown European music to these American ears

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