Korea in the Space

I listened to this late last night and wasn’t sure if I’d like it again in the morning. I thought it was one of those times where everything I put on I enjoy (happens, like, every night…bad news for blogging), but, in this case, I’m still in like. Thankfully.

“Hi” is not quite like any song I’ve ever heard before, and it’s astounding to me that Korea in the Space is three college students. Experimental; atmospheric; weaving in and out of a dream with pretty female vocals vs. brash male vocals for reality. Give them a whirl, but first open up your mind to hear something different. Make it feel like one of my late nights.

Korea in the Space – “Hi” [MP3]

Korea in the Space – “Velvet Hands” [MP3]

Korea in the Space’s new album, Second Head, drops October 25.

Korea in the Space on Bandcamp