Stone Darling’s new 7” is good for you

Los Angeles quartet Stone Darling just released a 7” that really needs your attention. The ladies of Stone Darling bring a sound that instantly recalls a blend of 90’s K-Records-style twee with the swing of 50’s-era girl groups. Lump that together with a bit of modern-era Dum Dum Girls and you’ve got a feel for what this single offers. Both tracks, “I Stopped Missing You Today” and “Angeline,” are great catchy pop songs that are well worth your time.

Stone Darling is just plain good for you. Think of this record as the vegetables your mom always made you eat. You don’t have to like them but you do have to try them. I think there’s a more than good chance you’re going to like Stone Darling quite a bit, so go on, try some.

Get “I Stopped Missing You Today” for free on Bandcamp and purchase the 7” via Analog Edition Records, our buddy Matt at Everybody Taste’s label.