[MP3] Meredith Bragg: “Birds of North America”

Oh, how happy I am to hear a new song from Virginia-based singer/songwriter Meredith Bragg. He’s been one of my all time favorites since I began listening to the type of music I love today (and, if you’re reading this site, you love too. I hope.).

“Birds of North America” is brought to us by the always stellar DC-based The Kora Records, who will be putting out his forthcoming album, Nest, in July. The single (Nest‘s first) came out as Part Two of TKR’s 7” series. It’s wonderful in so many ways — from the beginning simple strums to the echoing vocal harmonies to the lush strings as the cherry on top.

Meredith Bragg – “Birds of North America” [MP3]

Meredith Bragg on the web | MySpace