
If you’d have told me a year ago, a month ago, or even last week that I’d be writing about a band with an album called “Syzygy,” I’d have laughed in your face. Many bands like to thrive off either the most obscure, cryptic names or those that are incredibly simple, and I like to stay away from those bands.  Oftentimes these bands are imitations of what they expect to be “popular” music. Welcome to a music blogger’s inbox, people.

This all leads me to Colorfeels, about whom I can gladly say, I don’t care what they name their album. The music is good. It’s experimental pop, it’s got some yelps, and it sounds a little bit like other hot bands but you just can’t put your finger on who. Why? Because Colorfeels blends genres, swiftly and easily transitioning among them.

Colorfeels – “Pretty Walk” [MP3]

Colorfeels – “Unplanned Holiday” [MP3]

Colorfeels on Bandcamp