Wavves and Best Coast make Christmas song for Target compilation

Yes, by Target I mean that store that sells lots of everyday items for low (LOW!) prices (full disclosure: I buy all my kitchen things there). The megastore is releasing a free Christmas album that features a surprising mix of artists including Blackalicious, Bishop Allen, Crystal Antlers, Best Coast/Wavves and, UGHHH, Guster. The Best Coast/Wavves track, “Got Something For You,” is pretty standard fare for an uninspired, commercial compilation. And pretty shitty fare for my high (HIGH!) standards for Christmas music.

The compilation is streaming right now at Target’s website and will apparently be available for a free download sometime soon. If you really want to download it, that is. I probably won’t.

[via P4k]


  1. I actually think that their song is pretty decent. I listen to so so so so so much crap christmas music (making an annual mix for friends), when I find palatable music, I’m genuinely surprised. Not as good as Star & Micey’s tunes from this year though… check them out.

  2. Love your ‘If You’re Feeling Jolly’ cover from last year. Kudos to you. I had mixes going for the holidays for about 5 years running until I ran out of steam (and inspiration). I’ve seen a lot of clever artwork in my day and I think yours even beats my Mrs.Slocombe ‘Are You Being Festive?’ cover from 2006. Nice work.

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