Mountain Goats’ frontman/pretty much only man John Darnielle is known for being a bit eccentric, especially onstage. Self-proclaimed Darnielle fan Brandon Korch found this out first hand while filming him, touring as duo The Extra Lens, during a show at D.C.’s Rock and Roll Hotel on Wednesday. About halfway through the track, Darnielle notices Korch, snatches his iPhone and sings into it for a little while before handing it back. Ha! Great! Fun! The end of the video is a little confusing as it looks like Korch was maybe asked to stop filming (Update: Korch stopped filming on his own as he felt it was the right thing to do), but the rest of it, you guys! Definitely great.
[youtube width=”550″ height=”360″][/youtube]
It was awesome! Nobody asked me to stop filming, but I felt kind of awkward standing there with a camera in his face as he joked around with other people with cameras after he handed the phone back to me. Having seen the Mountain Goats several times I get the feeling that he would rather have the crowd being present and enjoying the show with thier own eyes and not through a small screen, but that song was my jam and I couldn’t help but film!