As you all know by now, this past Saturday was Siren Fest, a free, day-long, two-stage concert extravaganza normally held right below the Coney Island Boardwalk. Hell, the main stage is even in the shadow of the famous Cyclone coaster. It’s all very neat, except for the fact that in an astonishing move, the festival organizers decided to move the location of the concert directly to the surface of the sun.
In other words, cooling fans were deployed, water was consumed, and a continuous river of sweat drowned all the local evildoers (I probably lost about 15 pounds over the course of the day). And all the while, there were some good bands playing! Bands wearing long pants, too, which was ludicrous, but that’s the price you pay for beauty.
So strap in, because Jamie, super contributor Brittany and I are going to review the hell out of all 14 acts that played on a very long, very exhausting Saturday. Over the next few days we’ll be giving you our thoughts on some dance, some punk, and a buttload of sunny, lo-fi indie rock, all performed at the freakshow and carnival game central that is Coney Island, as far away from the blistering cityscape of Manhattan as the subway allows.
[Photo by James B. Hale/Knox Road from Siren Music Festival]