I guess it would have been appropriate to wait until Friday to post Friday Mile but really I just couldn’t wait that long (correct, one day) to share them with you. This five-piece from Seattle comes from the folk vein, but don’t let that genre word limit your expectations of their music. They incorporate some wonderfully poppy elements, none more so than the achingly gorgeous vocal harmonies – the lead singers, Jace Krause and Hannah Williams, complement each other perfectly. They’re playful with ooohs and aaahs but keep the sound grounded enough so that we can listen seriously.
These folks have such a bright future ahead of them. Their most recent album, Good Luck Studio has little to no flaws: it’s piano pop without the cheesiness; crescendo-led choruses without an excessive sound; acoustic guitar without the Jason Mraz. Their bio gives a good taste of how you would expect the spirited tunes to sound.
Singer-songwriters Jace Krause and Hannah Williams met in a music theory class at Pacific Lutheran University where they mostly cracked jokes from opposite sides of the room. Three years later the two reconnected amidst a random encounter at Seattleʼs Crocodile Cafe. They met up after the show and stayed up all night playing songs for each other at Williamʼs apartment. He fell in love with her voice and she adored his songs.
Man. Too cute to handle.
Friday Mile – “Lives of Strangers” [MP3]
Friday Mile – “FYI” [MP3]
It’s Friday here in Oz, so it works for me!