Apropos of absolutely nothing, here’s the newest internet meme that probably won’t sweep the nation but whatever, it’s ridiculous: Selleck Waterfall Sandwich. The complicated premise here is that you take a picture of actor Tom Selleck, you take a picture of a waterfall, and you take a picture of a sandwich and you just MASH ‘EM ALL TOGETHER. What you end up with is magic. And by magic, I mean an actor, water, and deli meat. How can you even go wrong?
Now, two things: first, I know this has nothing to do with music, but, well, sandwiches. Second, some of the pictures are animated! Wakka wakka! *fart noise*
i would like to preface this by asking for your forgiveness ahead of time–for any nightmares that may occur after watching, ear-bleeding, that sort of thing. that said,i had to share this with my favorite troup of bloggers. although the selleck waterfall sandwich is fantastic this is yet another reason the internet is awesome. finding gems like THIS:
i keep trying to find out that they are a total joke a la sacha baron cohen, but they totally aren’t: