
Pleasant, drifting, warm. Bands like Seas keep me going on wintry days like today. The snow is falling but my body temperature is rising (and I reaaalllly don’t mean that in the sexual way, so let’s keep those jokes to a minimum, yeah?). Seas (aka Ben Green, out of D.C.) just released Now My Home Is A Beech Tree on Virginia’s Decoration Day Recordings. The album is Decoration Day’s first major release, and we’re excited to promote it here on KR.

Leanings toward folk, post-rock, and a slight gospel effect keep this pop/rock from becoming “typical”. Green’s voice has a full rasp, which makes the tunes a bit rougher on the surface, despite their lush arrangements. It’s a nice contrast; one that defines Seas in general. The songs meander with their reverb-drenched background, but Green’s voice molds it together into a cohesive whole. The album is heavily influenced by nature, and the earthy sounds (and, uh, band title…) demonstrate just that.

Seas will be playing at The Black Cat on March 4, so consider this an early notice if you do indeed enjoy the music. The next month could hold some major pub for Seas, so you won’t want to miss out.

Seas – “Narrows” [MP3]

Seas – “Desolation” [MP3]

Purchase Now My Home Is A Beech Tree