We get it; you were preparing for New Year’s Eve and all that jazz. This is probably one of the only acceptable times to miss out on Knox Road. Still drunk? Still waiting for reveling over that New Year’s Kiss?? Do it with our Week In Review! [photo by Jonathan Storey]
[MP3] Hands: “Windows”
[Off Jamie’s Radar] The Drums
The gleefully weird soundscapes of World’s End Girlfriend
[Off Jamie’s Radar] Real Estate
Magic Wands all about the wind and confetti in “Kiss Me Dead” video
Lee closes up shop for ’09 mixes
[MP3] The Car Is On Fire: “Ombarrops!”
[MP3 + Video] Bromheads: “Magic Number”
Notable Album Release: Retribution Gospel Choir – 2
Will Sartain delivers a melancholic and honest singer/songwriter quirk
Phenomenal Video Saturday: Lennon Aldort goes all Fountain-y
*Pick of the Week*
Heartache with Hard Work: “Top 40 songs of 2009” Charles’s writing never fails us. I’ve been looking forward to this post for quite some time, as he picks out specific moments in each song and writes about the associated emotions in a seemingly effortless manner.