[MP3] The Car Is On Fire: “Ombarrops!”

The Car Is On Fire is a four person act from Poland, a highly fertile barely existent indie music breeding grounds. Also, if there is such a thing as twee garage pop, these kids would define the genre. “Ombarrops!” is the single from their latest album Ombarrops! which dropped earlier this year and was produced by John McEntire (Tortoise, The Sea and Cake, prod. Stereolab, The Fiery Furnaces).

“Ombarrops!” can’t help but make you grin. Listen to the variety of instruments in the background! (I use the term instruments lightly…) The song is in a state of ever-changing progression – the low baritone at the beginning mixed with the playful noises sets you up for quite the surprise when the high vocals begin the melodic chorus, only to turn into a cheering verse and then a five-second (literally) piano-led orchestral bit.

The Car Is On Fire – “Ombarrops!” [MP3]

The Car Is On Fire on MySpace