The Shape of the Earth

Hey, you! Yeah, you, with the flannel and Ray-Bans! Want some new Frightened Rabbit? Well, that’s too damn bad, wait until March! Listen to south Californians The Shape of the Earth instead!

On The Shape of the Earth’s newest full length, Do I Dare Disturb the Universe?, there are noted similarities between the two bands: the frank lyricism, anthemic choruses, and the similarities in the overall tone are striking. But then again, there’s more than enough to differentiate the two groups — think of Frightened Rabbit as more of a spiritual descendant to The Shape of the Earth than an aped influence.

And on their own, the three songs I’ve attached below — “Alone in This,” “An Audio Scribble Rock Star Wannabe,” and “Separate Lives” — all offer something slightly different from the last. Where the first and (especially) second songs are fast rockers, “Separate Lives” is a quieter, pretty ballad. All I could personally ask for is a bit more of the unbridled intensity that pokes its head out maybe once or twice a song. Every yelp is another Scot point for the band, ‘na mean?

The Shape of the Earth – “Alone in This” [MP3]

The Shape of the Earth – “An Audio Scribble Rock Star Wannabe” [MP3]

The Shape of the Earth – “Separate Lives” [MP3]

Purchase Do I Dare Disturb the Universe?


  1. You described me so well in the intro I thought I should give these guys a listen… I like the tunes if not the titles – “An Audio Scribble Rock Star Wannabe” – wtf?

  2. i think there’s supposed to be parenthesis -An Audio Scribble (Rock Star Wannabe) which kinda makes sense to me. like as in they wanted to call it an audio scribble but they knew people would call it rock star wannabe cuz it’s the memorable thing about the song

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