Notable Album Release: The Go Find – Everybody Knows It’s Gonna Happen, Only Not Tonight

The Go Find new album

Yeahhhhhh! SO MUCH exciting music from 2010. Sorry 2009, and well, the rest of the decade, but we like to look ahead just as much as we like to look back. That being said, The Go Find (nee Dieter Sermeus), a premier electronic pop artist (erm, suck it, Owl City…apologies to Sermeus for featuring the two in the same sentence), is releasing a new album in February, titled Everybody Knows It’s Gonna Happen, Only Not Tonight.

And whaddaya know, The Go Find and Morr Music have offered up the title track as a free, preview mp3, showcasing Sermeus’ crisp sound. We’ll be talking more about this album in due time, so consider this a fair warning.

The Go Find – “Everybody Knows It’s Gonna Happen, Only Not Tonight” [MP3]


  1. Sounds pretty similar to The XX, in my opinion. More optimistic, more synthy, and wiggly.
    Perhaps with the The Xx and The Go Find, we have created a new genre of music: Crisp Rock

  2. I thought about this comment for a long while instead of quickly jumping to say, “no way, ZackC”;

    for as long as it took me to get into The XX’s sound, that actually seems to be a fair comparison, vocally, for the new material. On this song in particular, Sermeus’s voice matches Sim’s (from The XX).

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