After KR took a month’s hiatus from the Akudama boys, they’re back again with Thumbelina – their latest, free, monthly EP.
The stunning range of styles Akudama manages to incorporate into their music is admirable and unique. “Thumbelina”, the title track, is very beach boys-y during the choruses and soft and folksy during the verses. And about three quarters of the way through, the song explodes into a rocking jam. The track is laden with echoing, falsetto harmonies and subdued guitars – slightly different than previous Akudama material. The second track, “Knocking”, stays true to Akudama form, with a less coherent, more experimental style. It’s still poppy, but has a reverb feel to it and the vocals/sharp guitars come in at unexpected moments. Get your Akudama fix here with full album artwork included, or download the tracks below.
Akudama – “Thumbelina” [MP3]
Akudama – “Knocking” [MP3]