Sea Wolf’s White Water, White Bloom is lush and engaging

White Water, White Bloom

What can I say that hasn’t been said before? We’ve been hyping this album to death with posts and radio show appearances – and we even got Alex Church himself to discuss it. So obviously, I’m at a bit of a disadvantage here in an attempt to introduce some new words of insight regarding White Water, White Bloom.  The first time I posted about White Water, White Bloom, I was actually a bit skeptical. The bonus track, “Stanislaus,” displayed a bit of a different flair from previous material and I wasn’t sure I’d be down. But get this…I couldn’t have been more wrong. (I know; Me? Wrong?? Crazy.)

After listening to White Water, White Bloom’s first single (and first track,) “Wicked Blood,” my new Sea Wolf world drastically changed for the better. I was more than ready for this engaging, developed sound. As Church remarked in his interview, the intention was to have a fuller sound to this album, like that of a “band,” and he certainly accomplishes his goal, largely due to the help of producer/multi-instrumentalist Mike Mogis. Mogis thought Sea Wolf should progress with a lush, layered sound, and this strain of thought shows on White Water. Even on softer tracks, such as “Orion & Dog” and “The Orchard,” the strings remain conspicuous, and the mesh of instruments dominate the sound. That’s not to say though, that Church’s tender vocals get lost; quite the contrary actually. His voice shines as it crescendos and decrescendos in sync with the backing noise – making for a complementary sound all the way around.

In an effort to keep this review from getting too wordy, let’s take a look (from our interview) at Church’s overarching thoughts about White Water, White Bloom:

KR: For the new album, for someone who hasn’t been a fan previously, how would you classify the sound? How would you describe it to them?

ABC: I would say kind of big, dark, folk rock.

…You know, just because he captures the essence of White Water, White Bloom in one sentence doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be able to! To finish the review? Three Four words: I love Sea Wolf.

Sea Wolf – “O Maria!” [MP3]

Sea Wolf – “The Orchard” [MP3]

Purchase White Water, White Bloom

Sea Wolf on MySpace


  1. Great album. Not disappointed. I like the first one a bit better, but this is VERY good as well.

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