Trivia time! On a scale from one to twee, how twee is this band’s name? The answer, if you were wondering, is ” 🙂 🙂 :).”
But screw it, these guys are pretty good. I saw them without knowing who they were last April opening for Black Kids and Mates of State, and although they had to replicate a bunch of stuff using a laptop (the band has only two members), and the mix was a bit muddy, it was a very, very fun and enjoyable performance. They also brought out a massive white ball that was bounced around the audience for a solid three songs before shriveling up.
The song’s called “I’m Alive” and it’s from the band’s Dream Happy Dreams EP. I swear, between the music itself and the names of the band and song and EP, there’s enough positive energy in this post to power a city. A city made of SKITTLES!
SUNBEARS! – “I’m Alive” [MP3]