Anything and everything by Antony and the Johnsons is newsworthy


Seriously. Now, although I may have posted about this when it first happened (basically, a little while ago, Antony covered Beyonce’s “Crazy in Love” live and it was gorgeous), I’m posting about it again because I’m all sorts of obsessed with everything from camp Antony.

So here we have a video for the song, via Pitchfork, and it’s all artsy fartsy and mysterious and stuff. Regardless, the song itself is just as awesome. It’s on a recent double A-side single with “Aeon,” so be sure to check that out.

In related news: anyone a Final Fantasy X fan? Anima was such a badass aeon. Discuss.

Antony and the Johsons – “Aeon” [MP3]

Check out the video here

Antony and the Johnsons on MySpace