The Worst Things: 10th annual Gathering of the Juggalos


The title says it all – from August 6th to 9th of this year, the 10th annual Gathering of the Juggalos will take place in Cave-In-Rock, Illinois. Below is the 14 minute infomercial made to promote all the great music Pauly Shore stand up that’s going to go down at the fest. And the video gets right to business, too, featuring a really, really mean announcer:

“This year, the 10th annual promises to be bigger, badder, and better than the nine previous years. IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE??? Guess what? It IS possible, and it will fucking happen. If you’ve never been to the Gathering, this is the motherfucking year to go, bitchboy. Don’t miss it… there’s plenty of free camping.”

I don’t know. I was planning on partying and listening to ICP with my meth-addled brethren, but after that quote, I’m not so sure. This dude’s demeaning, no matter how much free camping there may be.

But the video really kicks into high gear when our esteemed hosts DJ Clay and Sugar Slam take the reins. Key quotes, courtesy of Sugar Slam:

  • “Check this out: DUDES ON STILTS!”
  • “Yes, we have food, and plenty of it all over that bitch.”

So who’s going with me? Don’t be a bitchboy.


  1. [Derogatory term removed by KR staff] you fuckers dont even know wtf this shits about, do you? I was fucking there and I had a fucking blast. BTW I dont do drugs, I dont drink, so proof enough not everyone is a “meth addled” We all group togther because the people of society has told us where diffrent and were strange when were all normal, but you all treat people so diffrently that it causes them anger and makes them aggressive, there is easily more drugs, and more fights at shit like woodstock then there was there. There were almost no fights there, why? Because we all see each other as family. So you all go on and hate because in reality, the people like you who make fun of us and judge us like you all just have are the ones who go to hell. Reread the bible, those who judge shall be judged on the same terms as the ones they judge, so if we are off to hell, YOUR COMIN WITH US BITCHBOYS

  2. this was my first gathering and it was amazing. there are no words to explain it. i am still in shock. the opinions of people who have never experienced it are of incredibly little value because I know they have no idea what they are talking about. this is more glaringly obvious now than ever before. it’s something so powerful, so difficult to explain, and even life altering. the only thing that sucked about it was the large amount of juffahoes present. they were only there for the drugs :/

  3. This, like all things in life, obeys the cosmic rule of fail. When something sucks so hardcore and so openly suddenly it becomes fucking awesome. I have no idea why but I want to go if only to wander around like I am in some dream world where being a loser makes you cool.

    I mean, I was mocked as being different when I was younger. But holy crap does it ever feel good, I immedietly forgive anyone who wronged me because goddamn it is awesome!

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