The Hudson Branch‘s Tightrope Walker isn’t quite a grower, and I’m at fault for believing it to be one at first. I’d start listening, and as the album went on I’d grow to appreciate it more and more. Hence, a grower, right?
But I just had something of a realization: it’s not that the listener has to grow to appreciate the music, it’s the music taking its time bringing the listener into its world. As the album moves along, it’s hard not to get gradually more and more immersed in the music. The composition song by song is astounding – every stranded trombone note, every subtle scratch of guitar, every one-off piano riff serves its specific purpose, even if never returned to again.
It comes together to form a sort of non-abrasive, ethereal and often simply beautiful collection of songs. The Illinois band’s debut album – called Tightrope Walker, if you’ve already forgot, you Forgetful Frankie – is set to come out August 1. It’ll be on iTunes in the near future according to the band’s MySpace, and it’s pretty great, so keep checkin’.
Final thing of note: please, please, PLEASE listen to these songs with headphones. You will miss so much coolness if you play them on tiny little laptop speakers like I had done originally.
The Hudson Branch – “Be Minor” [MP3]
Been waiting for these tracks for a while. Glad there’s finally a release date. Great article!
thanks for such a kind review! its good to have friends out there in the blogsphere
Time is the most necessary element… besides the headphones of course