[Not really news] Amy Millan releases details for sophomore effort, Masters Of The Burial

Masters Of The Burial

I know, I’m about six days late on this one. SORRY. I’m actually kicking myself for it, so I can handle your virtual slap in the face.

With July 4 and a slew of American spirit and independence coming our way, what better time to continue spotlighting Canadian label, Arts & Crafts? (By the way, we’ve got an interview coming up with Adrian Jewett of The Most Serene Republic, so stay tuned!) Plus, it was just Canada day so might as well talk up our Canadian favourites. Don’t worry, my American pride (…most of it) is still intact.

After that shpiel, have a looksies at the details for Amy Millan’s forthcoming album, Masters Of The Burial, (the follow-up to her 2006 solo debut, Honey From The Tombs) set to drop September 8. For those who don’t know, Amy Millan is behind those hair-raising female vocals of Stars (as well as Broken Social Scene).

Masters Of The Burial tracklisting:

01.  Bruised Ghosts [MP3]
02.  Low Sail
03.  Old Perfume
04.  Towers
05.  Day To Day
06.  Bury This
07.  Finish Line
08.  Run For Me
09.  I Will Follow You Into The Dark (yep)
10.  Lost Compass
11.  Bound

From Honey From The Tombs:

Amy Millan – “Baby I” [MP3]

Amy Millan on MySpace